Monday 17 February 2014


According to ayurveda, many disorders relating to physical health (and consequently mental health) are caused by poor digestion. In Ayurveda, agni (fire) is likened to digestion because just like agni, digestion transforms as well, using the different digestive juices, acids and enzymes. What happens when the fire/heat is not enough? You do not get the desired output. What happens if the fire/heat is too strong? It burns and destroys. Similarly, what happens when digestive agni is not enough? Food remains undigested and therefore, unabsorbed. This leads to a cascading wave of harmful effects like accumulation of undigested and unabsorbed food in the large intestine which over a period of time turns into toxins and eventually leads to disease. What happens if the digestive agni is too strong? Same thing as when you overcook food. The essential nutrients are destroyed, leading to deficiencies, weakening of immune system and consequently, disease. Therefore, just like the real agni, the digestive agni should also be tended well. And one of the brilliant ways to aid digestion is a wonderful home made "mukha shuddhi" (literally means mouth purifier) or mouth freshener.

The usual perception that people have of mouth fresheners is something made out of mint and sweet. At work places, I see smokers eat these after smoke or non smokers after their meals. Reminds me of me once upon a time. At work places during trainings or seminars, they will have a bowl full of them neatly arranged on the tables. These days, you often find a bowl full of them at service counters as part of 'customer service'. There is a range of sugar free mouth fresheners available. What I really do not understand is that people are happy to consume huge amounts of sugar through cakes, sodas, ice creams, cookies, biscuits and other sweet foods but when it comes to a teeny tiny mouth freshener, they want it to be sugar free. Most of the sugar free mouth fresheners will have either, all or a combination of the following:
sweetener 950 - Acesulphame Potassium
sweetener 951 - Aspartame
sweetener 955 - Sucralose
sweetener 961 - Neotame

Type in these words in google and you will see the word 'cancer' peppered everywhere. Do I believe that these artificial ingredients which are so commonly used in so many products cause cancer? I have my doubts. But the question is not relevant to me and I do not want to be one of those people who think anything and everything causes CANCER! My reason for not eating it is simple. It does not sound like food. You google these things (refuse to call them food) and all the information you get is molecular formulae and diagrams of molecules and IUPAC name and CAS number and Molar mass and other weird stuff. Does this sound like food? Why do we need to manufacture sweeteners in laboratories and factories using machines when there are natural sweeteners available? Why do we need to produce ANY food in laboratories and factories? Does this make any sense at all?

Anyways, point being, why not have a mouth freshener which is completely home made, natural and aids in digestion! The ingredients used in the mouth freshener have many nutritional benefits but for the purpose of this article, I will only mention the ones that are relevant to digestion.

Ayurvedic information:

Fennel Seeds
Sweet, Astringent
Sesame seeds
Sweet, Bitter, Astringent
Sweet, Pungent

Fennel seeds are unique because being a spice, it is heating. But it also tastes sweet and therefore is cooling thereby balancing the heating qualities. The heating quality stirs the appetite before meals and the cooling quality aids in digestion after meals. It relieves gas and bloating and is very useful in reducing colic. If you are feeling bloated, eat some fennel seeds for quick and instant relief. Fennel also helps freshen your mouth by reducing bad breath and body odour that originates in the intestines. Fennel has been used in treating digestive disorders, constipation, colic, diarrhoea, flatulence, reducing burping, acid reflux and alleviating nausea.

Sesame seeds have heating properties which promotes digestion and oily kapha qualities which lubricate the intestines. Chewing sesame seeds forms part of ayurvedic dincharya (vague translation of which is 'routine') as it helps in keeping teeth pearly white and clean, improves the enamel of the teeth, keeps gums healthy and reduces the bacteria in the mouth. Sesame seed oil has been used for oral health in Ayurveda to prevent tooth decay, halitosis, bleeding gums, dry throat, and for strengthening the teeth, gums and jaw. Clinical research now confirms that it compares favourably to chemical mouthwash (chlorhexidine) in improving plaque-induced gingivitis and that it is capable of reducing oral plaque formation.

Flax/Linseeds are rich in fibre and therefore provide relief to patients of constipation, piles and fistula. Raw flax seeds contains the chemical hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or cyanogenic glycosides which can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. So, it is better to roast them but not at high temperatures as this will destroy the Omega 3 content in it. 

Ajwain contains a chemical called thymol in abundance which helps the release of gastric juices in the stomach which help digestion. Ajwain, very much like fennel seeds, kindles appetite and taste buds and gets rid of gas in intestine. Its mild alcoholic qualities provides instant relief from stomach pain. Ajwain is also very commonly used to treat flatulence, indigestion, acidity and hyper acidity. Ajwain also cleanses your mouth and hence is a great ingredient for a mouth freshener.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Other
Vegan: Yes

1 cup Fennel seeds
1 cup Sesame seeds
1 cup Linseed/Flax seeds
¾ cup Ajwain seeds
1 tsp Turmeric
2 tsp Lime juice
Black/Rock/Himalayan (powdered) salt to taste

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and let the mixture be for 10 minutes
  2. Now roast the mixture in an iron skillet on slow to medium heat for 5-10 minutes. After roasting for 5-10 minutes, if you run your fingers through the mixture, it may still seem a bit moist. Do not worry.
  3. Take the mixture off the heat and spread it on a dish to cool down. Fresh, home made, colourful, healthy mouth 'purifier' is ready! Store in glass jars.
Do not roast on high heat. If the mixture starts smoking, then it means that the supply of heat is too high and the mixture has started burning.

  1. Eat two teaspoons of this mixture after every meal.
  2. I like this mixture a lot and I know many people (including me) who will have this mixture even in between meals. Which is OK. But this mixture is heating and therefore, you need to be careful especially in summer when agni is naturally high. In summers, restrict consumption and have it only after meals.
  3. It is best to use finely powdered salt for this preparation. Usually the 'black salt' which you get in Indian stores in the West is ground into fine powder. If not, just ground the himalayan or rock salt into powder using mortar and pestle. Always good to have such sadhanas in the preparations.
  4. Please refer my post Getting Started With Ayurveda for understanding of Ayurvedic terms and concepts.

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