Sunday 19 January 2014


What if I tell you that you can make ice cream at home without the ice cream machine? What if I tell you that you can make this ice cream in ten minutes? What if I tell you that it is dairy free? What if I tell you that it is sugar free or for that matter – sweetener free? What if I tell you that it is made out of one ingredient? I know. I was the same. My house mate taught this recipe to me. It has already been posted on the internet by other websites or blogs but he claims that the knowledge of this recipe unfolded within him without referring to any books or internet just like true knowledge enfolds within evolved yogis. I believe him. And now, without further ado, I bring you – magic!

General health information: A banana gives you a quick boost of energy and just one banana can be very filling making it a great option for weight watchers. It is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and high in Vitamin C and manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin B6. Bananas are extremely high in potassium hence aiding in maintaining normal blood pressure. It is also a good source of dietary fiber and hence prevents constipation and restores normal bowel action. Bananas supply the body with high amounts of fructooligosaccharide, a pre biotic substance (one which encourages pro biotics, the friendly bacteria in the digestive system). The fructooligosaccharides ferment in the digestive tract and enhance the body's ability to absorb calcium.
Ayurvedic information:
Dosha information: V↓P↑K↑
Rasa (primary tastes): Sweet
Virya: Heating
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Sour
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Dessert/Sweets
Serves: 4
Vegan: Yes

Ingredients: 2 extra ripe bananas. That is it. Really.

  1. How many times have you chucked bananas into the bin because they were too ripe? Peel these over ripe bananas, cut each banana into three pieces and put them in the deep freezer for a day. This takes two minutes. Ok, four minutes if you are slow. Now, only six minutes of preparation time is left.
  2. The next day, put these frozen bananas into the blender for six minutes and lo and behold! You have sugar free, dairy free ice cream with an incredibly rich, creamy, soft texture completely free of crystals. I know what you are thinking. “But doesn't it...” – NO. “But don't you...” – NO. “Do you...” – NO. Just try it to see what I am talking about.
  3. The only sadhana you do in this recipe is sit back, bring your complete awareness to your tongue, close your eyes to block the ever distracting sense of sight and enjoy.

Not sure if it is possible to go wrong with such a simple recipe. Just make sure that the bananas are over ripe.

  1. This is a super high Kapha recipe. Bananas increase the Kapha dosha in your body and freezing them further amplifies it. So, eat this ice cream only on hot summer days.
  2. Please refer my post Getting Started With Ayurveda for understanding of Ayurvedic terms and concepts.
  1. You can use the above recipe as base ice-cream and then play with it. Like I said above, the possibilities seem unlimited. You can add a little bit of yogurt and blend it with the frozen banana and serve honey as a topping.
  2. You can add ground coffee or ground cacao beans to the base ice cream
  3. You can add roasted ground peanuts or hazelnuts or macadamia nuts or almonds or pistachios when you blend the frozen bananas.
  4. You can add frozen mango or passion fruit or berries of your choice.
  5. You can add freshly ground spices like cinnamon or cardamom or nutmeg or cloves.

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